About the Council
The Council
Bonby Parish Council currently has six parish councillors and at full capacity should have eight. All councillors serve a four year term. As a general rule the Parish Council meets on the first Monday of every month (except for August and January) at 7pm in the village hall. Very rarely this may be changed to another Monday in the month. The Parish Council also holds the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parish Council Meeting in May, usually prior to the May council meeting. Occasionally there may be Extraordinary Meetings held in addition to the scheduled meetings.
Agendas and minutes are posted in the two noticeboards in the village – near the Post Office on Main Street and in the north of the village near to the junction of Carr Lane, also on Main Street. They will also be posted on this website. Anyone is welcome to attend Parish Council meetings. There is opportunity for members of the public to speak at the beginning of each meeting. The Ward Councillors are also invited to attend. Members of the public are also welcome to contact the Clerk and raise any concerns or suggestions they may wish the Parish Council to be alerted to or discuss if unable to attend the meeting.
A part of your Council Tax is set by the Parish Council and is called the Precept. This money is collected from North Lincolnshire Council and is used for the benefit of the residents of Bonby. This money is used in various ways. It pays for the Clerk’s salary, grass cutting at the playing fields and the Gilman Trail, for the insurance of the Parish Council and the playground/playing fields, for the membership of ERNLLCA – the local councils association and all these are open to scrutiny via this website and on the minutes. The Parish Council also in recent years has purchased dog waste bins, paid for a free copy of the Low Villages News for all residents, new benches, a community noticeboard, replacement furniture for the open spaces and has made grants for Bonby Day to ensure it is a free event for the village, has made grants to St Andrew’s Church for grass cutting and maintenance and most recently has paid for the insurance of the Village Hall to ensure this valuable asset remains open.
The Parish Council also serves to make decisions on issues which affect Bonby. The Parish Council also lobbies, communicates and negotiates with North Lincolnshire Council for the delivery of the best possible services for the village on matters as varied as highways, planning and grants. It raises matters of crime and local concerns with the Police when required. The Parish Council also liaises regularly with our Ward Councillors on matters of importance for the village.
The Parish Council considers Planning Applications and as statutory consultee receive information relating to all local planning applications from the local authority. These are then discussed in meetings and the Clerk conveys the opinions of the Parish Council to the Planning Department for their consideration. The Planning Portal link is below for easy access to all planning application both in Bonby and across North Lincolnshire. Planning applications may also be inspected by residents by arrangement with the Clerk or with North Lincolnshire Council.
The Parish Council owns and maintains the Gilman Trail, a green space for the enjoyment of all. The Parish Council liaises with the local authority on footpaths, rights of way and highways. North Lincolnshire Council are responsible for the replenishing and maintenance of the winter grit bins.
Above all Bonby Parish Council aims to make the village a safe, pleasant and welcoming place for all residents of all ages. The Parish Council are grateful to the people that volunteer and give their time for the benefit of the village and the Village Hall, the Playing Fields Association and St Andrew’s Church.
If you feel you are able to spare around a couple of hours on the first Monday of the month at 7pm (excluding August and January) please do contact us. Our meetings are generally no longer than an hour and a half and are productive and friendly. The Parish Council aim to improve the village but a full quota of Councillors is required to really make an impact.
If you would like to try and help make our lovely village the best it can be, please contact the clerk at clerk@bonbyparishcouncil.gov.uk, we would be delighted to welcome new Councillors.